Global Village Planetary Retreat & Illuminatum College Core Studies - Tercer Trimester September 2020

TKOH 100

The Kingdom of Heaven as God the Supremacy 

A study of the means by which the Kingdom emerges from potentials contained within the Absolutes and stabilizes as an enduring universe phenomena as a result of the creative activities of God the Sevenfold, including a description of the cosmological sequence of achievement milestones marking its actualization.

The Kingdom consists of potential realities which are actualized as the religion of Michael is lived. These potentials are derived from the infinite reservoir of the Absolutes. Orchestrated by processes ordained by the Architects of the Master Universe, they emerge into actuality through mechanisms related to the evolution of experiential deity. 

But the values which are the building blocks of these realities have to be chosen by a personality and integrated into personal patterns of interaction in order to become a permanent feature of actualized reality.

Register to become a member of the Global Village Planetary Retreat of Michael of Nebadon

Write to Diana in the Office of Admissions:

Our United Kingdom of Life

I am Michael .. thine Universe Father Son. I come with the Celestial Governing Host and with the Spirit of the Universe Mother. ...