Unifying Glory

I am come upon the provincialism of your Planetary Home on the outskirts of the Milky Way Galaxy to illumine for you thine evolutionary ascendancy as a progressive unfoldment in the gradual development of the Universe Mother Vestment Mind Capacities, the Energing Differential Vesture of the Soul Personality, Perspectives, and Perceptions, the Personal Values of Personality Character, the Embodiment of the God Qualified Soul Virtues of Consciousness, the Eternal Truth Spirit Vision of thine Total Multidimensional Personhood, the Holy Comforter Verities and the Endowment of Individual  Authorship, the Seventh Master Spirit Volitions of those Unifying and Integrating Ascendancy Attitudes and Attributes, and the Eternal Victories of Personality Attunement and Soul Spirit Attainment in the Father's Life Adjuster Relationship.

Personality is an endowment from the Godhead of Existence. 

As you accept this miracle of being created as an experiencing selfhood .. relationship of love shared by the Father with each personality continuously sustains our existence, and will continue to do so throughout eternity. Personality association, advancement into the universes, actualization of the highest values and virtues and vision may be cultivated and awakened through love and friendship .. warmth and tenderness .. caring and affectionate relations. 

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Our United Kingdom of Life

I am Michael .. thine Universe Father Son. I come with the Celestial Governing Host and with the Spirit of the Universe Mother. ...