Declaration of God Sovereignty

Declaration of God Sovereignty for the Life Kingdoms of the Planet

We stand together as One People, One Race, One Planetary Civilization, with our Universe Sovereign Christ Michael who is here in physical expression. He is establishing the Plan for His Universe Revelation to expand and penetrate the far corners of the earth; to penetrate all hearts, and to quicken every mind willing to receive and grow in light and life.

Our sincerity of dedicated devotion to serve this revelation is of utmost importance, as his originally chosen revelatory receivers, to participate with us in God Integrity and Absolute Truth. 

The progressively unfolding spiritual ideals of our planetary harmony and individual unity as an Emerging Impulse of the will and agenda and intention of the local universe of Christ Michael is completely governed by this Will of Infinity, as is the universe of universes.

We acknowledge this, and it is our highest aspirations to come into alignment with our Universe Sovereign Christ Michael. 

We are Christ Michael's student disciples and apostles presently studying within His School. We desire for the greater body of believers who are respectful and receptive to growing in Truth to know that he is here guiding and teaching us. There are many personal miracles in growth and revelation taking place for most all of us at this time.

His gospel is to set aright all erroneously generated impulses of his planetary appointments; those rebellious laden beings who had unfortunately defaulted in their responsibilities to guide our civilization in its advance towards light and life.

Our day to day goals and aims with the revelations must meet the integrity alliance of the long-term viewpoint as it is Christ Michael who brings to the planetary evolution these revelations, and the new advent of personal and planetary ascendancy for the coming millennia.

Our stewardship of the revelation, our decisions and choices, our viewpoints within those short-term objectives that you each shall be administering with a  clarified purpose, and cleansed by the overall impulses of the long-term vision and plan of establishing the kingdom of God Sovereignty through the advancement of spiritual insight and divine wisdom; the “endeavor to expand cosmic consciousness and enhance spiritual perception.”

Michael gives his proclamation of planetary rejuvenation, resuscitation, and regeneration, and He asks that each individual come forward into this concentration of attention, and the cooperative collaboration of the universes; only as you awaken and cooperate with Michael at this incarnation moment will the hearts and minds of all individuals who desire to progress into the next stages and planetary epochs all leading into the eventual age of light and life.

Michael has asked and encouraged his administration for the planet to enter into "a field of heightened mutuality of respect and the shared interests, the purity of merciful intentions and understandings" in order to bring forth his Original Plan and the Paradise Trinity Ideal in his organizational intent, and for the purity and advancement of the kingdoms of the planet.

His Administration wishes to have every morally-centric and ethically-bound heart to wholeheartedly participate with him in this advancing understanding for all people far and wide.

The originating universal organizational design allows for each and every receptively mature personality to gain their freedom by serving the greater vision, by developing their own individual personhood, and by each one's boundless enthusiasm for the ever-refreshing and enduring spiritual principles which lay at the foothold of the universal guidance offered by those Divine Personalities participating in the Revelatory Commission to bring forth this advent of ascendancy - a new and higher approach to living life.

Presently, Christ Michael is establishing Salvington. 
He has stipulated his present plans...

“My original directives for the publishing and dissemination and teaching of the writings of revelation were to have it develop in the following ways:

1. One Organization to accomplish the Publishing and Dissemination only. For this purpose the Urantia Foundation was initiated. 

2. One Brotherhood and Sisterhood Planetary Fellowship. For this purpose Urantia Worldwide  Fellowship is being created at this time.

3. One Teaching and Interpreting Organization for deepening the understanding of the Revelation. For this purpose Salvington as the New School of the Planetary Prince is created. 

4. One Organization to train and prepare individuals to carry outward the Revelation to others of the Race. For this purpose Imperium College of the World Server and Revealed Religion is created at this time.

“The unification of the Urantia Foundation, my chosen receivers of the revelatory writings, and Salvington must become cohesively cooperative and in a state of trustworthy collaboration.

“The full and complete understanding of the revelatory writings will come through My ministry and the ensuing ministries of My Universe Sons and Daughters who will come afterwards.”

Michael has laid out His Global Initiatives and the 21st Century Planetary Mission he is undertaking for the Advancement of the Planetary Civilization. 

progressing epochs of planetary progress towards the culminating  inauguration of the era of light and life.
all phases of intellectual progress, soul emergence, and spiritual attainment.
the progress of civilization and world affairs.
the unfoldment of the individual mortal evolution and soul-spirit attainment.
planetary development along physical, intellectual, and social lines, all evolutionary spheres progress in certain well-defined directions.
the planetary schools of training and culture are a world center of culture and achievement, and there gradually radiates to all peoples an uplifting and civilizing influence which slowly and certainly transforms the evolutionary races.
establishing new and potent centers of learning and culture which carry on according to the plan of the prince’s schools.
plans for planetary progress and cultural advancement to uphold the planetary concepts of truth and righteousness.
knowledge of the Father’s rule and preserving for the world races the concept of the successive planetary.
dispensations of the various orders of divine Sons.
design to foster the development of planetary civilization.
fostering the development of the planetary civilization and its global spiritual culture.
designing the way of planetary progress towards the ascendancy of light and life.
nurturing the planetary impulse and guiding the cultural advancement for the ages.
preparing the individual personality mind, will, and soul for cosmic consciousness, spiritual insight, divine perception, and the attainment integration of universal citizenship.
promoting the spiritual evolutionary attainment of every people in the planetary human culture, arts, and world civilization.
to induce the world culture and planetary civilization to make certain initial advances in culture and civilization.
training and inspiring student world servers as teachers and leaders of their respective peoples.

Christ Michael has been developing the School of the Planetary Prince in preparation for his appointed Individual who will serve as Planetary Prince of Urantia. 

Salvington is the new School of the Planetary Prince, and it is open for all people of every race, country, religious persuasion, and all communities of the world seeking Absoluteness of Progressive Ascendancy and Eternity Engagement with the living circuits of Divine Love, Intelligence, and Power.

The School is the manifestation of those certain Orders of Divine Personalities who hold a responsibility in guiding and developing the Planetary Civilization of enlightened individuals. 

The Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter guides all divine and evolutionary sons and daughters in the civilized worlds .. the planetary landscape of men and women. Every Kingdom of planetary life is to partake of the School of the Planetary Prince.

The School integrates all epochal phases of the cultural civilization of meanings, values, virtues, and vision, and oversees this planetary progression toward the future age of God Sovereignty and God Stability, ushering in the Age of Light and Life. 

The mission of Salvington as the School of the Planetary Prince is to be the world educational living platform for transforming all individual and civilization impulses towards the Absolutes of Truth, Order, Harmony, Justice, and Freedom. 

The School of the Planetary Civilization focuses upon five evolutionary endeavors in order to bring forth the coming Age of Light and Life through the Trinitarian Parenthood and Ministry to the evolutionary worlds. 

Fostering the Development of the Planetary Civilization and its Global Spiritual Culture
Designing the Way of Planetary Progress towards the Ascendancy of Light and Life 
Nurturing the Planetary Impulse and Guiding the Cultural Advancement for the Ages
Preparing the Individual Personality Soul for Cosmic Consciousness, Spiritual Insight, Divine Perception, and Integration upon Graduation of Individuals into Universal Citizenship
Promoting the Spiritual Evolutionary Attainment of every Peoples in the Planetary Human Culture and World Civilization

The Gospel of Christ Michael Of Nebadon during the public preaching tours and in the establishing context of the Planetary School throughout Europe, the Americas, and Asia is the present incarnational objective for the Universe Father Son Michael.

In Truth and Absolute Loving Obedience to the Will of the Universal Father...

The Faithful Apostles of Christ Michael
Michael Of Nebadon Sovereign Trust

Our United Kingdom of Life

I am Michael .. thine Universe Father Son. I come with the Celestial Governing Host and with the Spirit of the Universe Mother. ...